10 Hints You May Be On Your Way to Splitsville

{Wildly Written By: Miss PR}

No one ever just wakes up one morning and realizes they’ve just been dumped after the so called “love of their life” dropped the “It’s not you- It’s me” line the night before.
Normally, men send hints-there’s a build-up of messages they send for weeks and for some reason us women are so blinded by love {or lust rather} that we just don’t get the clues {or don’t want to}. We make excuses to convince ourselves that he’s still interested and reality is he’s just not.
Facts are, before you hit Splitsville your “Boo” had been leading you down that road for quite some time. Let me spare you the tear soaked pillow cases, mascara smeared tissues, and the unpleasant phone call to your bestie where you have to utter those harsh words “He dumped me”. Don’t let his charming smile, hard rock abs, or slick talking mouth fool you into believing the relationship is something it’s not. There are no wedding bells or horse drawn carriages coming your way, only heartache and wasted time if you don’t CATCH THE HINTS:
10 He hits you with the “Me Too”
 The “Me Too” is a line guys use when they’re out in public and don’t want his boys or his other Boo to know what they’re on the phone talking about or who they’re talking to. “Me Too” is a response he’ll give after you say something like “Babe, I love you” or “I really missed you today”. Instead of saying he loves or misses you too he’ll hit you with the “Me Too” { similar phrases are “Ditto”, “Yea, I know”, or “I feel you”}. Don’t be a fool-make him respond accordingly and loud enough for any and everyone else in the room to hear.  
9 Your stuff at His house disappears
We all get excited when our man finally lets us leave our things at his place. First, we start with a toothbrush and a few pairs of panties then gradually start bringing suitcases full of clothes and trunk loads of shoes. It symbolizes that we’re moving to the next level on the love ladder. We went from casually dating to playing house. We’re testing out the waters to see if we can one day build a home together. That’s all good if your stuff remains where you left it. If you go to his house and the bracelets you left on the night stand or shoes you left outside the closet are hidden in a drawer or deep in the corner of the closet behind his stuff-something ain’t right and you need to question that immediately. There’s no need for him to hide your stuff from you-you left it there for a reason. Nor is there a need for him to just happen to have the urge to “tidy up”-you are more than capable of cleaning up after yourself. Get to the bottom of it before your relationship hits rock bottom.
8 You’re no longer invited
It’s common for couples to grow mutual friends- double dates and group adventures are fun. It’s also normal for you to get close to his family and attend family functions. It’s not okay for the two of you to spend every weekend together and then one weekend out the blue you’re not invited. If one of your mutual acquaintances just so happens to tell you about an event he never mentioned or you call his Momma and she says, “Yea Sweetie, we’re having dinner tonight at the house. He didn’t tell you?” There’s a flag on the play and you need to handle that.    
7 Sex becomes non-existent
Unless you’re celibate (which we totally respect here at PGGW) ~ sex is a major and at times best part of the relationship. A couple that is totally into one another can’t keep their hands to themselves. He should always be attracted to you and want to express that by feeling you up every time he looks at you. If ya’ll go from getting it in 5 times a week to 5 times a month bets believe somebody else is getting your goods.
Bonus tip: If you’re being flipped and dipped in the bedroom like you’ve never been flipped and dipped before make sure you know where this new burst of energy is coming from. No man just thinks of new moves on the spot-those moves have to be practiced and perfected before he whips them out. If your man is putting it on you and you know that wasn’t one of the moves ya’ll saw in the porno flick stashed under the bed that’s your que to pack up your toys and go. Nobody wants second-hand sex moves.
6 He changes his phone number
{and you’re still dialing the old number}
 Getting your phone number changed is a planned act and normally done for a specific reason. Number 1 reason, there’s somebody he doesn’t want calling him. If you’re dialing his phone number and the operator says, “The number you have dialed has been permanently disconnected,” there’s a problem and it’s you. Catch the hint: He doesn’t want to speak to you.
5 You see him with another woman
{and there’s no relation}
 Yea, men and women can be strictly friends-nothing more nothing less-but friends don’t kiss, whisper in each other’s ears, or spend the night over one another’s houses. If your man is spending more time with his female “friend” than he is with you-that’s who he wants to be with, you’re just buying time until she comes around and feels the same way about him that he feels about her.
4 All of a sudden he has MORE female friends
 Men are allowed to have female friends, there’s nothing wrong with that, but there are rules. He has to have known her since childhood, she has to be butt ugly, and she has to have a man of her own that’s equally cute or better looking than your man. All other females have a category: co-workers {he’s only allowed to talk to about work related issues}, neighbors {they only talk briefly about what’s happening in town i.e. trash day has changed due to a holiday or who they’re voting for on election day}, and baby mommas {they have to speak for the sake of the kids therefore all conversations should be child-related}. If you go on his Facebook or peek at his phone and you see new chicks that don’t fit a category, you need to check him and perhaps check yourself out of the relationship.
3 When YOU call-he doesn’t answer
 It’s not realistic to think your man will jump for the phone every time you call-he has a life outside of you-but if he’s not picking up every time you call or only picks up at certain times of the day, trust there’s a reason for that and her name may be Tammy, Elizabeth, or Keisha.

2 He went from introducing you as his girl to calling you “that girl”
We get giggly when a man introduces us to his friends and family as his girl-we feel as if we have arrived and in his life to stay. Once he first introduces you as his girl, from there after you should be known as his girl-to everyone. Don’t allow him to introduce you as his girl to Cousin Betsy and then when you’re in a room full of his frat brothers he says, “Oh yea, this is ummm, this is…ya’ll know who this is.” Nuh-Uh. Not gonna fly. Cut him off immediately-guaranteed his frat brothers knew who the girl he brought with him last week was too.
1 He calls you by the wrong name-repeatedly
 Need I say more? If a man doesn’t know your name ya’ll not even together. He keeps you around for fun and the girl’s name he keeps shouting out and can’t seem to get off his mind-she’s wifey. Chances are they’re going through a rough patch at the moment and he picked you up to ease the pain. When they make up your name will be forgotten-completely.

Ladies, vow that you will no longer be a victim to Splitsville. Catch on to the break-up before it catches up with you.

Oh…That Bitch: Crazy Competition

{Wildly Written By: Wendy Ward and Miss PR}

 We all know “That Chick” {or maybe you are her} that feels the need to speak out every time someone shares a story--whether it be about a promotion at work, a loving relationship, or just the thrills of life in general--her response makes it seem like she’s “That Bitch”, “Top-Notch Diva Extraordinaire”, “All-Mighty Soul Sistah #1” {Yea, you know, “That Bitch”}.
  For instance, if you’re talking about your Honey and how he wined and dined you on Valentine’s Day with dinner, a movie and lovely roses; and she chimes in, “Gurl, we’re not tiny boppers. Save that for the kids. My man got long stem roses delivered to my job and we went{insert name of  expensive restaurant that she can’t even pronounce}, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah” Leaving you to think, “Did she just do that to make me jealous?” And have you start questioning your man as if he did something wrong.
  As women why do we enter ourselves into “Crazy Competitions” with each other? It’s like we’re in some ego-driven race, struggling to catch up with one another’s lifestyle. Most of the time the life she tells you she’s leading is not her reality and the pressure is on her to create a pretty picture to hide her insecurities. Most women who you associate yourself with regularly only want what you got and since they cannot be you, they imagine themselves as being better than you.
  With the barriers and stereotypes that are still placed upon the shoulders of women today to weigh us down: in society, the home, and the work place--women should unite like the Justice League to  uplift and support one another; not only in times of trials, tribulations and sorrows but also in times of victory and triumph.  
  Competition is defined as the act of competing; Rivalry for supremacy, a prize. A prize? What exactly is the prize in this crazy competition? Self-doubt? Lack of confidence? Wavering courage to be unique? Does one compete just to say I am better or I had it first? What do you gain once you get to the “top spot”? It’s lonely on the throne without a team to back you {preferably girlfriends who understand your frustrations and can relate to the sensitivity of your emotions}.
  The art of competition is human nature. Men show off in sports—they validate themselves with a win as it reflects their dominating physical stamina over a fellow man. We “Independent, I don’t need anybody to pay my bills, It’s all about me” women of today take the materialistic approach to validate ourselves. We have to be seen in top-of-the-line shoes, freshly cut and shaped $500 weaves, and handbags that cost enough to pay our rent for the next 6 months. We go as far as to post pictures with our expensive goods on social media sites for our friends to drool over, in hopes that there response to our pricey merchandise will be, “I want one too.”
  We do the same in relationships. All of us are guilty of dropping the line, “My boyfriend looks better than hers,” for no good reason. Just another way to say, “You’re man is hot Bitch, but mines is on fire.”
  We’re all guilty of checking out the girlfriend that came before us that our man was seen posted up with on Facebook and checking that same page for the girl who came after us that he’s now posing with—only to say, “I look way better than them.” Or “He lost me now he got to get with a troll.”
  We all can admit we step our game up a notch at work with our “Do It Myself” attitudes—because we’d rather take all the credit than see the next girl shine. Just to show the rest of the office that we can handle our own business.
  Since we’re all guilty of these types of behaviors, doesn’t it mean our logic is more similar to “the next chick” than we thought? There’s no need to have a “crabs in a barrel” mentality when we’re all trying to make it to the top—why not help each other up the ladder instead of trying to pull each other down with our silly competitions. As women, we have a natural ambition to want to REIGN SUPREME, but we don’t have to meticulously eliminate one another to get there.
  Besides, your frustrations shouldn’t be targeted at the woman in the cubical across from yours who is just trying to keep her head above water as you are, but to The Man who just got a promotion and thinks he’s “Mr. Big” because he beat you out of it. So the next time you want to throw shade at someone-straighten those long legs and strut pass his office in your $400 stilettos. Let him stare as you smile thinking, “You may have the big office, but you’ll never get none of my goods.”